Live Well Tasmania update
What a magnificent day recently at the Live Well Tasmania Oldina Community Farm, we estimate we had about 100 visitors.
Thank you to the community for visiting and checking out the Oldina Community Farm space. Thank you to all the invaluable volunteers that make events like this possible. So grateful for you all! So much happening during the day. Huge thanks to Rees Campbell and Cheryl Durrant for their specialised talks, on ‘Wild Foods’ and ‘Disaster Preparedness’, we are so grateful for these people to be in our local community.
Big thanks to the Oldina Bush School Village for the awesome activities and baby animals. Big thanks to Ben Bigfoot for the prizes donated for our ‘spot the animals’ competition. There was a popular plant stall, Kelp Soap, Mental Health and Live Well Tasmania information stalls, and a free BBQ courtesy of a Mental Health Council of Tasmania grant for Mental Health Week. Attendee’s enjoyed our beautiful walking tracks, including to the Grandmother Tree.
Thanks to Chris O for her fabulous music!
Thanks again everyone – we love our community!
Film night
We had a great film night recently, the film was ‘My Octupus Teacher’, which was a very moving account of a relationship between a South African man and an octopus. Academy Award winning documentary ‘My Octopus Teacher’. This is an inspiring movie that follows a filmmaker’s extraordinary year-long friendship with a wild octopus. Following the film, enjoy a buffet-style dinner, including dessert.We had a South African themed buffet after the movie, and had a discussion about the film. Thanks once again to Emma and her family for putting on sucvh a great night.
Community Centre Open Day and Tulip Festival
Thanks to all the wonderful people that came to our Open Day, we estimate we had about 40 people come altogether. Everyone enjoyed the multicultural lunch and everyone else on offer, including the woodworking demonstration (thanks Stephen), the Digital Stories (thanks Laura), the mental health library opening (thanks Mitch and Sean), and the sourdough talk.
Great day at the Tulip Festival! Thanks to all the people who visited the Live Well Tasmania Stall in the Ecovillage Yurt, and who attended the Food Security discussion, faciliated by Hannah Moloney. The yurt was totally full for the discussion, next year we might need to find a bigger space….
Kitchen Garden Workshop
Book in now for this workshop featuring horticulturist Elspeth Brock. This is a free workshop, funded by our Healthy & Thriving Wynyard project.

We are happy to annouce the yoga session at the Live Well Tasmania Community Centre on Tuesdays at 5.30pm will now be an intermediate class, for those who want to challenge themselves a bit more. The other three classes will remain at the beginners level. All four classes have vacancies, please contact Mark for enquiries or to book on 0400 883 299
Social Activation Project
The Social Activation Project (SAP) has been a really good experience. We have been involved in a whole range of community-based opportunities. We have had the privilege of being involved with Live Well Tas Community Mondays, fostering community connections and helping Squid Inc. with their theatre production ‘Big Snooze’. We have visited the ROC (Wynyard Food Relief Hub) to find out what it is all about and how they assist community members, we will assist them on certain Fridays to help with their packing up routine.
Our community involvement extended to the Live Well Community Garden at the Wynyard High School, we will volunteer there in the garden and collaborate with them to provide fresh grown local produce to the ROC. We have also participated in a Well-being Workshop by CORES which was a valuable opportunity for personal growth and well-being.
We visited the local Art Gallery ‘Art Scape’ to look at the Word Players exhibition, it was great to experience things we normally don’t go to. We visited the Lobster Ponds and will volunteer to assist with jobs that need doing there in the near future.
We have had a meeting with Head Space to find out what they are all about, they gave us excellent resources for and about youth to add to the Live Well Mental Health Library. This week we will be meeting with Chantelle French from St Vincent DePaul to find out what their organisation does in our local community.
We helped out at the Wynyard Community Garden Open Day. One of us even won a prize in the raffle. We joined in on one of the Eagle Spinners and learnt to crochet, spin and clean fleece, also did some felting. We did an Art Therapy session on the Community Mondays and cooked pizzas for one of the LWT Community Monday lunches.
We invited the SAP panel to lunch on one of the Community Mondays, we designed the menu, cooked the food and sat with the panel and told them about what we have been doing and what we like about our program.
We come up with the ideas that we do in this program and have many other great things planned to benefit ourselves and the community for the rest of the program.
We even had a half page article written about us and our project in the Advocate Newsletter.
Why we like doing the Social Activation Project (SAP)
I like helping the community groups like Squid Inc. to set up and pack down their stage set and lighting equipment, also I really like that I have made and making new friends from our local community.
Why I like doing SAP – I like meeting all of the new people. Love helping with Squid Inc with their set up and pack up of their set, for the performance ‘Big Snooze’. I also spoke on the local Coast FM Radio about the performance and our SAP project. I also had the opportunity to work with Squid Inc on the day of their performances as a front of house person.
The program has helped me not be so isolated, being able to have opportunities to help our local community groups and volunteer with them.
I enjoy SAP because it gives me an opportunity to get out of the house on a weekly basis and meet new people instead of being home all day. SAP gives me something productive to do, the payment helps me to become more independent.
I enjoy being a part of the SAP as I get to work with some awesome people, participate in meaningful community initiatives, and have grown my skill set along the way.

Community Based Income Project update
Huge thanks to Hannah Moloney who agreed to feature in the first video we are making to explain what a CBI is, and how a CBI trial would work. Also huge thanks to Mitch and Kalani, who will also feature in the video. We welcome anyone interested in volunteering who has creative skills, including graphic design skills to help us finish off the first video, and plan the second one.