Live Well Tasmania update

Annual General Meeting

Thank you to all that attended our recent AGM, it was excellent to have a total of 18 people attend, and a variety of community members attend to support us at the meeting.

Our committee is grateful for all that has happened, happening and will continue to happen in all of our spaces at Live Well Tasmania, which helps to connect our community.

We would like to thank Cr Hyland & Cr Raw, for attending the AGM, a very special thank you to all of our amazing volunteers and people who utilise and engage in our spaces.

Also a big shout out to all of the people who have supported Live Well Tasmania throughout the year.

A huge thank you to the new committee as follows:

President: Kelly Milikins

Vice-Presidents: Geoff Blackburn and Sean Thompson

Secretary: Cheryl Durrant

Assistant Secretary: Mitch Clarke

Treasurer: Robin Krabbe

Assistant Treasurer: Laura Poidevan

Public Officer: Sean Thompson

Work Place Health and Safety Officer: Geoff Blackburn

Committee Members: Carol Donaghey, Deb Dale, Jude Purton

 Sewing group

Basic sewing at Live Well Tas every Tuesday 9am – 12.30pm

Come and enjoy learning Basic Sewing

– Machines provided or bring your own

– Beginners or experienced sewers welcome!

– Assistance with mending, alterations or new projects

– Share tea & coffee around our fire

For information contact –

Maxene 0400 769 540 or Carol 0448 451 000

Live Well Tasmania ‘Burrow’ 28 Saunders St Wynyard

We combined sewing and warming this week with our hot water bottle covers. Cheryl and Maxine (see below) holding some of these little beauties.

Seed Sowing Workshop

Join us on the 14th of September, from 9.30am to 11am to learn about propagation and seed sowing, from horticulturist Elspeth Brock. Contact Kelly for more information on 0498 315 398.

Social Activation Project

We are thrilled to have found four great young people to be involved in our Social Activation Project. Our first session will be next week, when we will be doing inductions, and we will begin to discuss the project idea’s that we have collected from talking to a variety of people and groups, and from our meeting of the Advisory Panel. We acknowledge support from the Tasmanian Government for this project. Stay tuned for the next instalment!

Public talk – Michael McElligott – Regen Places

We had an interesting talk from Michael McElligott from the Regen Places Network, who was visiting Tasmania recently. Regen Places is ‘a growing network of place-based alliances focused on building the social infrastructure and capacity for places to initiate community-led projects and enterprises for the regeneration of cities, towns and bioregions’. Michael talked about Community Land Trusts and other ways of mobilising resources for sustainability. We then went to the Oldina Community Farm and did one of the walks, including visiting the Grandmother Tree. We welcomed Michaels enthusiasm about engaging with places and storytelling, to connect more deeply with places we live in.

UTAS Mini MakersX

Burnie came alive with creativity and innovation when Mini MakerX took over the University of Tasmania’s newly-refurbished Makers Technology and Innovation Hub at the Cradle Coast Campus for a day filled with hands-on activities and discovery. A few of us from Live Well Tasmania braved the wintery weather to participate, particularly to promote our Seed Library, which complemented Nick Towle next to us demonstrating soil blocks, and there was also compost making.

New Burrow Artwork

We thank Jude for her great work so far doing a Burrow sign to go at the base of the mezzanine floor, we love the colours and the design! In the next newsletter we will be able to show it installed in all it’s glory.