
The very bracing Tasmanian weather thwarted attempts to get this newsletter out by the end of August, apologies for the delay!

We had a very well attended Annual General Meeting last month, with 18 people attending, and nine people appointed to the committee. A huge thank you to everyone who attended, to the new committee, and to all those who have supported us over the last 12 months. We are very happy with our progress in engaging with the community via the Healthy & Thriving Wynyard project, Community Mondays, and events such as the Open Day at Oldina. We are also very pleased so far with our Social Activation Project, we have recruited four great young people and have amassed a long list of community project ideas for the participants to consider, and to add to.

We are also pleased to announce another project likely starting in November this year, we received funding from the Tasmanian State Government for a trial of Therapeutic Farming at our Oldina Community Farm. Our trial in part aims to show that the combination of social and peer support, and being outdoors immersed in nature, including gardening, are very effective ways of increasing mental health.  

We are starting a new organisational structure with four main working groups to spread the load more efficiently. We are still happy to have new volunteers, particularly if you like gardening, and or administration!