University of the Third Age update
Semester 2 starts on Monday 2 Sept
The U3AW Newsletter will be emailed and available in hard copy on Wednesday 21 August
If you are a night owl, you can enrol on-line from 12:01am on Friday 23 August and any time thereafter. In person enrolments will be taken from 2-4 pm at the Showground Reception Centre on Friday 23 and 30 August
Ukes are continuing on Tuesdays
Although the main U3AW program is in recess until September, nothing can stop the enthusiasm of the U3AW ukulele group, the Wynjammers.
New members are very welcome to join the group on Tuesday mornings at the Poultry Clubroom. No need to formally enrol. Beginners start at 9.30 and the main Ukes group get going from 10am and finish by 11.25. This session will be followed by a tutorial and practice session for ukulele pickers. Please note: during demolition of the grandstand, there will be access to the Poultry Clubrooms on the inside of the Showground railing fence.
Health advice from a U3AW member with personal experience. We should all strongly consider getting ourselves vaccinated for shingles, as all adults over 65 are eligible for a free vaccine. Not only is shingles painful and potentially debilitating in the long-term, but there are also possible further health repercussions from an attack (one in five Tasmanians will catch shingles).