Live Well Tasmania in collaboration with the RESEED Centre are proud to have established two community Seed Libraries for our northwest corner of the State. Located in Wynyard and Penguin the seed libraries provide a space for our community to save and share seeds sourced and grown locally which are adapted to local conditions.
This project aims to:
- create a network of friends, neighbours, gardeners, farmers, permaculture practitioners and everyone in between to fulfill the function of preserving locally adapted varieties
- to secure community sufficiency through food sovereignty, food security and community resilience
- conserving biodiversity at the local level
- to encourage sharing and swapping of a valuable resource
- to reduce economic barriers to growing food
- to encourage pollinator attracting plantings which support bees and other beneficial insects
Using the Seed Library is as simple: Take the seed you need – return seed to share with your community. If you can’t return seed we encourage a donation to help us to keep this awesome community resource free.
Circular seed economy. We appreciate monetary donations to help keep this community resource sustainable.

ALL donations of seed maybe left at the seed libraries located at:
Live Well Tasmania – 28 Saunders St, Wynyard Operating NOW
RESEED Centre – 30 King Edward St, Penguin Operating NOW

Email enquiries to projectmanager[at]