Live Well Tasmania has received funding recently from the Community Support Fund for a project titled “Waratah-Wynyard Social and Health and Wellbeing Community Activation Project”: the short title is the Social Activation Project (SAP). The project basically involves forming a panel of up to eight community members, who might be representing an organisation, or who might attend as an individual, who have an interest in helping our municipality become a better place to live, including helping increase health and wellbeing, and improving the social determinants of health such as education, transport, economic outcomes etc. They are also likely to have an interest in youth (18 to 25 years old).

The Panel would identify a long list of projects that are likely to increase social connectedness, bringing people together and thereby increasing health and wellbeing, and more generally to improve life in Waratah-Wynyard. At the same time as convening the meeting, we will recruit four participants between 18 and 25 years old, (who may be on Job Seeker but don’t have to be), who will then add to the long list of possible projects, then from that list identify and co-design two or three projects that could be completed by the 30th of June 2025 (the end of the funded project). The project includes a budget for weekly payments to the participants to help cover travel costs, meal allowances etc.

This project commenced on the 1st of July 2024, and will finish on the 30th of June 2025, but we hope to continue aspects of beyond the funded project.

Contact Robin at or 0421 461 724, particularly if you would like to volunteer to help with this project.