Care Farming Project

The Live Well Tasmania Care Farming trial, to be conducted at the Live Well Tasmania
Community Farm, at 1000 Oldina Road, Oldina, will commence in Mid November 2024, and
conclude at the end of April 2025. The trial is supported by funding from the Tasmanian
Department of Health. Participants will receive fuel vouchers to assist with transport; for those
who don’t have a vehicle we will endeavour to assist with transport.
We are seeking up to five participants with mild to moderate mental illhealth. There is no
formal eligibility criteria, however we are seeking people with mild to moderate mental
illhealth, who don’t necessarily have a mental health diagnosis, but who might have problems
such as with anxiety or mild depression, and want to reduce their symptoms. The participants
will be invited to help over two days per week to establish a market garden, help maintain
walking tracks and establish a Bush Art Trail. There will also be a guided peer support group
component focused on therapeutic interpersonal relationships.

We are working with the Tasmanian Centre for Mental Health Service Innovation to evaluate the
trial. Our policies and procedures supporting this project include the area’s of privacy and
confidentiality, conflict management, and continuous improvement.
A typical day:
10am to 10.20am Check in
10.20am to 10.30am Planning of activities for the day
10.30am to 11.20am First activity
11.20am to 11.30am Break
11.30am to 12.30am Second activity
12.30pm to 1.30pm Lunch
1.30pm to 2.30pm Third activity
2.30pm to 2.40pm Break
2.40pm to 3.30pm Fourth activity
3.30pm to 4pm Group work and check out

Please get in touch to find out more about this project!